
Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Cenise Shawl CAL - Finished

Thursday, the first row of the border was released for the Cenise Shawl CAL.  Yesterday, the 2nd row of the border was released, but I have the .pdf of the full pattern so I went ahead and completed rows 3 and 4 of the border as well (I didn't want to wait another week).

I love the finished shawl but it's really long.  However, the reason it is long is because it is more meant to use as a wrap.

So here is the front - see how long it is?

Here is the back of the shawl - I love the open lacey look

And finally, here is the shawl how it would look if you wrap it around.

I honestly am not sure what I will do with this shawl/wrap.  I could pray over it and give it away as a prayer shawl.  I could give it to someone as a gift, or I could keep it myself.  I'm not one to wear shawls that much though so not sure if I would wear it a lot.

I do love the color, it's probably not a color I would normally select, but I'm glad it was suggested, and I ended up using it.  I saw some other shawls in progress and not to brag, but I think this color is the prettiest.  

I guess time will tell.  


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