
Tuesday, August 25, 2020

Project Life 2020 - Week 34

My aunt's service was this week, she didn't get the proper funeral she deserved due to Covid-19 restrictions (not allowed to have a church funeral).  She was very involved with her church so it was sad that her church family couldn't all be there.  Some did travel the 2 hours to attend her graveside service though.

It is unfair and sad - if she had been "famous" as some other recent news-worthy people, then she could have had a proper funeral or maybe even 2 or 3 funerals as some of the famous people have had but alas, my aunt was just a normal, everyday person so ... no church funeral allowed for her.  I'm not saying the famous people didn't deserve a funeral, because they did...but my aunt deserved one too.

None-the-less...I understand that it was a very nice service and well-attended by my family and a few members from her church, who were able to make the drive.

Also this week, a piece of mail floated back and forth dispite my attempts to get it to the proper receipient, I had my first dentist appointment in the Covid-19 new "normal" world, I received my property tax bill and got to see Dede Vogt perform (not live, but I will take it) !!

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