
Tuesday, February 27, 2024

52 Ancestors - Week 5 - Influencer

I have gotten a little behind in my 52 Week Ancestor project.  Surprise, surprise, right?

So I am going to try to catch up this week by posting one a day.

So this week's prompt is "Influencer"

This one is a little tough for me, but I guess the first person that comes to my mind is my maternal grandmother, Jewel Cassada Mims.

My grandmother influenced, not only her 6 girls, but also her 18 grandchildren.  Saturday, I attended the memorial service of my first cousin and while there, I was looking around the room at all of my grandmother's dependents...I mean so, so many grandchildren, great grandchildren, great-great grandchildren and even great-great-great grandchildren...It reminded me of Kind David and how God told him that he would have as so many decedents that they'd be as countless as the stars!

I bet my grandmother would have never known how many stars she would leave behind and it made me happy thinking of this, to think how a little part of her will live on and on and how so many of my cousins and 2nd cousins and all the little children running around were all there because of this wonderful lady.  I mean none of them would exist if it were not for her! How incredible is that?

My grandma was a praying lady! She fasted and prayed, and she was continually praying for her family. I have always been a worrier and one day, I remember my grandma pulling me aside to talk to me and 

she said "Look at this old face of mine, you see all these wrinkles?"
I said "Yes ma'am"
Grandma: "You know how I got these wrinkles?"
Me "No ma'am"
Grandma: "I got them from worrying. Every one of them is because I worried about something and I don't want you to grow up with wrinkles like me, so you need to stop worrying. Besides that, I know that whatever you are worrying about, the Lord will take care of it and I can promise you that"

She set such a wonderful, Godly example for all of us.  She was truly an Influncer.

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