
Wednesday, August 14, 2024

Cenise Shawl CAL - Part 3 Completed

 The 3rd part of the Cenise Shawl was released, which was Wing 2.  You'd think it would be easy to complete since it was basically the same as Wing 1, which I already completed, with the decreases on the opposite side.  

Well...that was going perfectly fine, and I put it away for the evening with about 32 rows left to crochet...but I was tired and was getting sleepy.  I woke up about 3 am and couldn't sleep so decided to finish Wing 2.

Let me tell you, if you wake up at 3 am to crochet, resist the urge.  The next day, I looked at my work and realized from row 32 - 60, I did the decreases on the WRONG side of the wing!  Ay ya ya!  It was all lop-sided.  So, I had to frog it.  Frog is a knitting/crochet term when you rip out the stitches you already "rip it, rip it, rip it" - which is similar to the sound a frog makes so it's called frogging your work.

So, I had to re-crochet rows 32-60 again, but the right way this time.  

Here is the WIP after Part 3 of the CAL has been completed.

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