
Showing posts with label Cross Stitch. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Cross Stitch. Show all posts

Wednesday, March 16, 2022

WIP Wednesday - Finish Cross Stitch

This project worked up pretty quick - it was easy because it was only one color!  

I used DMC Color # 3845.  I chose this pattern because it matches my Vintage "Butterprint" Pyrex.  I love my Pyrex and I was please to find a pattern to match it.  

I just need to find a 7 1/2 inch wooden hoop to mount it and hang it up in my kitchen.  I am having trouble finding a wooden hoop that size.  I found some on Amazon, but I don't need TEN of them, I just need ONE.  I will keep searching - I would love to find one with the little picture hook at the top, but those are not as easy to find as they used to be years ago (gosh, I miss K-Mart, where I could usually find things like that).  

Anyway...I am happy with it.  Now I need to decide on my next crafty project...what will it be?  Hmm??

Wednesday, February 16, 2022

W.I.P. Wednesday - Half Way There

Just like Bon Jovi says....Whoooooa - We're Halfway There.....

Just completed half of the Cross - Stitch I am working on.  For those that are familiar with Pyrex that was manufactured in the 1960s, you may start recognizing what I am stitching.

Wednesday, February 9, 2022

W.I.P. Wednesday

I haven't had much time to craft this week but I did get in a little time to work on my cross-stitch project.  It is starting to take shape - almost half-way done.  The is the first time I have made a one color project and let me tell is pretty easy to do.

Wednesday, January 26, 2022

W.I.P. Wednesday


I am slowly coming along with my cross stitch.  I am using 18-count AIDA and in the past, I generally preferred 14-count.  

1 admit that 18 count is a little harder on these old eyes.  I am enjoying making it though - it is pretty easy since only one color is involved.

The original pattern used a ORANGE color but I am using this bright teal blue color....You will see why when I am finished.

Can you tell what it is going to be?

Wednesday, January 19, 2022

W.I.P. Wednesday - Cross Stitch

After knitting and crocheting prayer shawls and hats for the homeless, I have decided to take a little yarn break and instead, do a little cross stitch.  I used to love to cross stitch but I haven't done it in a while for a couple of reasons

1) Where to hang it?  Most completed cross stitch projects are meant to be hung on the walls and displayed, but I don't really have anywhere to hang a project and if I made a cross stitch gift, I wonder where the recipient will hang it.  I really don't want lots of cross stitch projects taking up all the walls.

2) In the words of Phoebe Buffay from "FRIENDS" - My eyes!! My eyes!!  You see, my vision is not quite as sharp as it used to be...I have cataracts and I sure don't have 20/20 vision so it can be challenging to see all those tiny little squares.

Anyway...I found this pretty simple, one color pattern and it isn't too big so I decided to give it a go...Any guesses as to what it could be ?  Tune in for updates

Wednesday, January 10, 2018

W.I.P. Wednesday - Yorkie Cross Stitch may not look like much but I have made some progress on my cross stitch project.

I am trying just to look at a small section at a time because if I look at the entire chart, it can be overwhelming.

It may not look like I have made a lot of progress, but compared to last week...I have.  You can't tell but there are currently about 4 different colors in there.  I told you there was a lot of shades of brown!

Thursday, January 4, 2018

Yorkie Cross Stitch - Beginning

I didn't post a photo yesterday because...well as I said, I haven't made much progress but I wanted to document that I had actually begun the project so thought I would post a photo after all.

As you can see, I use a lovely magnifier that looks kind of like this to help me see better (it even has a handy dandy light - really helps).  I believe I purchased it at Michael's Arts & Crafts and used a 40% off coupon (love my 40% off coupons)

So here is my progress so far (photo taken through the magnifier)

So you can see that I have started - so far, I have worked on it 2 mornings (about 15 - 30 min each morning) before work - something I rarely do since I generally save crafting time for the evening as a wind-down but I was just ready to get started and this was the time I had available so I started.

Doesn't look like much so far, huh?  I still need to buy many of the colors of floss (I only have a few skeins of floss) so once I buy those (which hopefully will be today), then I will be able to add a few more colors - it will take a while before it finally starts looking like something but I am just glad I started.

Note:  I did a rough estimate and based on the size of the cross stitch pattern grid - there are roughly 24,000 stitches in this pattern - I told you it was huge.

Stay tuned!

Sunday, January 1, 2017

Happy 2017!!

Here were are again - at the start of a new year - 2017!! Wow!!  That sounds so wild to say.  I am happy to report that I survived another year and it actually was a pretty good year.  Nothing terrible or tragic happened in my life (well, except for Donald Trump being elected but that is another story for another time).

My remaining family is healthy and doing well and I was able to see my niece and great niece a few months ago and I am so proud of the mom that my niece has become and to see my great niece grow and become her own little independent person.  She is such a joy, just like her mom always is.

Things at work are going well, things at home are going well and I really don't have anything to complain about (except Trump of course - LOL! but nothing I can do about that, right?)

While 2017 saw a lot of celebrity deaths, there were some good things - the CUBS won the World Series!!  How awesome was that?!  Heck, the Falcons are a contender for the Superbowl - so maybe 2017 will be their year - one can only hope.

I did pretty well with my 2016 Goals.
1)  While, I still want to grow stronger in my faith, I do feel that I have reconnected with the Lord and once again have that yearning to learn more of His Word.  I read a daily devotional and it helped me a lot.

2)  I have gotten healthier, thanks to the support of my sister.  We followed the Atkins Plan together and I am proud to say that I have lost 50 lbs.  Atkins was pretty easy for me some reason.  We started together on July 1st with an initial goal to lose 25 lbs by August 31st and we both met our goal!  I slowed a bit during the month of October - birthday, traveling, Halloween - no excuse but just wasn't as strict but I got back on track in November and managed to lose 25 more pounds before the end of the year.

3) As far as the crafts.  I didn't have as much time to craft as I would have liked to.  I did make my 2nd cousin a beautiful baby afghan, which she totally did NOT appreciate like I thought she would.  Plus she never sent me a thank you card (Lesson learned!).  I finished the Mystery CAL Afghan, which I didn't like at all (2nd lesson learned, no more "mystery" patterns for me).  I made this cute little cross-stitch for my niece and her her family, which she totally loved (yeah!).  I learned a new crochet technique, while watching a John Wayne movie. I knitted my mom a little dress for her dishwashing liquid bottle.  I participated in a dishcloth swap and made 5 dishclothes (also learned a new knitting technique in the process) and I got 5 different ones in return. I started making a Virus Blanket (but put in on hiatus for a bit).  I also made 3 Messy Bun Hats (which I haven't blogged about - maybe later)

Wow - looks like I was a little more crafty in 2016 than I remembered.

So....what are my 2017 Goals? 

2017 Goals

Health - continue losing weight.  I still have quiet a bit I need/want to lose and I just know that with some recent decisions I have made in my life, that this year, I will see a major change in my weight and health.

Religion - begin my journey (again) to read the entire Bible.  I really, really, really want to do that this year.  I have had this as a goal for many years but this is the year I intend to actually do it.

Crafts - I want to finish 2 WIPs I have (Virus Blanket and HUGE granny Around the World afghan).  Plus I want to make my mom a knitted shawl and I have a couple of other afghans in mind that I would like to make.  I have a cross stitch that I would like to do too but not sure if I will get to that this year - it is quite an undertaking but you never know.

Other - I would like get my "final financial plans" in place - you know, things like a will, advanced directive, add my sister to my bank accounts, assign a power of attorney - those kinds of things.  None of us are promised tomorrow.  I want to make sure that when that time comes, it will be easy on my family.  I hope that is a long way away, but I have learned that life can end in a second, without warning.  I also have several things around the house that I would like to accomplish, mostly some organization things and such.

Again, although I won't be scrapping about it, my One Little Word of the year is going to be "Renew"

So, here is to 2017, may it be a great year (even with Trump as president). 😝

Wednesday, February 17, 2016

W.I.P. Wednesday

I have finished my 2nd Work-In-Progress for the year.  It is super-cute, if I can say so, myself (not nice to brag on yourself but I'm not really bragging on myself but I really like this project).

My niece's family lives in New Zealand.  Her husband is from Matamata, which is happens to be where The Shire is from "Lord of the Rings" and it is known as Hobbiton - so, she can officially say she is married to a Hobbit :)

They have the cutest 3 year old that ever existed on the face of the earth (well, I am a little biased I suppose, but she is VERY cute!!).  I would love to post her picture here but don't want to do that without asking her parents first.

At any rate...I decided to make a cross-stitch version of them.  Here is my initial sketch (which I marked up a bit more after this photo to indicate thread color and such). is the final version - kind of hard to see in this photo but the cat has green eyes.  The finished design is approx. 4" x 4" is the final version in its frame.  (Sorry, the fabric isn't all dirty - it is just a reflection in the glass)

Now....this isn't really a W.I.P. but rather just something fun I did today at lunch - I colored in my daily calendar.  I saw in a Facebook coloring group that someone else had colored this and posted it but (not to brag on myself - haha) my version is WAY better than hers was - haha!!  (You don't need to pat me on the back, I'm doing a good job of doing that myself).  I'm sorry, but it is the truth.  She just colored hers all gray with red hearts - how boring.  Mine has some colorful life in it.  Now, I know there is no "right" or "wrong" way to color and it isn't a competition, but if you could compare the two, I'm sure you would agree that mine is  much prettier.  ;-) I'm back to my next W.I.P.  - I started it almost a year ago and then totally set it aside because the person it was intended for, wasn't getting pregnant (but she told me she had kind of postponed trying at one point).  I'm not sure if she has started trying again or not but I'm going to finish this baby blanket, just in case.  Once finished, I will hang on to it, in case she does get pregnant, but if not, I will eventually give it to someone else or donate it to a NICU.

Wednesday, February 10, 2016

W.I.P. Wednesday

So...what am I working on these days?  I am proud that I finished up one W.I.P. (work in progress) and it is no longer an U.F.O. (unfinished object).  I'm currently working on my second W.I.P. and it is coming along nicely - it is actually P.D.C. (pretty darned cute), if I do say so myself.

I'm making a cross-stitch replica of my niece and her family.  So far I just have a portion of my great niece and niece done.  It is coming along rather quickly and I hope to be done before I receive the girl scout cookies I ordered.  I'm going to ship my niece the girl scout cookies (she can't get the ones she craves in New Zealand) and I want to send this completed project along with the cookies.  I was going to wait until their wedding anniversary in May but decided I would rather go ahead and send it.  I'll post another picture when completed. But so far...I'm pretty happy with how it is shaping up.

Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Day Two - 6th Annual Knitting & Crochet Blog Week - #KCBW6DAY2

Day 2 of the 6th Annual Knitting & Crochet Blog Week

Today's Topic - All About Me !!!

Let's see - there is a lot I can say on the subject because I am pretty much an expert about "me".

I was born in Duluth, Ga (a suburb of Atlanta).  We moved to Columbus, GA when I was 2 months old, to Alpharetta, GA when I was 9 years 2 months old and back to the Atlanta suburbs when I was 9 years, 8 months old.  Alpharetta, GA wasn't a suburb when we lived there - it was pure country - cow fields and trailer parks but now it is considered part of the suburbs.

I love animals - always have and especially love dogs.  When my last dog passed away though, it was just too much on me, I thought I would die right along with him and quite frankly, I wanted to.  So I have been pet-less since.  I just can't deal with the heart-break again.  But I enjoy spending time with my friends and families pets.

I have CADD - which is my own term for crafting attention deficit disorder. I have several crafty hobbies, besides knitting and crocheting, at some point in my life I have partaken of:

Hook rugs
Punch embroidery
Polymer Clay
String Art
Friendship Bracelets
Wreath Designing
Plastic Canvas
Soap Making
Paint By Numbers
Sewing / Quilting
Cake Decorating
Candy Making

Did I forget anything?  I am sure I did.  If there is a craft, I have pretty much done it at some point in time.  Some went out of style (see string art, hook rugs, macrame), some just were not my passion (see candle making, sewing, punch embroidery) and some have stood the test of time (see knitting, crochet, scrap-booking).

In addition to my crafy addictions, another hobby of mine is traveling.  I love to travel but don't get to do it as much as I would like due to work responsibilities.  I've never been out of the country but if I did go out, I'd love to go to England and Italy.  I also would love to see the Eiffle Tower in person.

In the USA, I've been to 19 different states and I've seen so many beautiful places...

Florida's sugar sandy white beaches where I swam in the Gulf of Mexico (many times)
Georgia, South Carolina, North Carolina, & Virginia's beaches
Georgia, South Carolina, North Carolina, & Virginia's mountains
Snowy drifts and the Mall of America in Minnesota
The Shenandoah Valley
Churchill Downs
The Biltmore House
Savannah and Charleston's charm
The Atlantic and the Pacific Oceans
Mount Rushmore
The Badlands
Las Vegas' Neon Glows
Fields and fields of Sunflowers
The Golden Gate Bridge
Hoover Dam (where I stood in 2 states at the same time - a foot in each state)
The Grand Canyon (from the air only)
The Smoky Mountains
The Blue Ridge Mountains
The Rocky Mountains
And so much more.

I like to cook and you can find several recipes on this blog.

I'm a strong Christian and thank God everyday for things like giving me sight so that I was able to see all those beautiful places.  I believe Jesus died for me and rose again so that I can have everlasting life. I thank God every day that I can see, hear, walk, talk because there are so many that can't do those things, including some people I know.  Everything I have is because of the Lord and I make sure I thank Him for it all the time.  I thank Him that he made me enjoy crafts and gave me the abilities to do those things, that he gave me a wonderful job that I love and a good salary so I can afford to travel.  I thank Him for getting me through the rough times in my life and for blessing me with such a wonderful family and group of friends.  God is just EVERYTHING !

I am grateful to Him right at this very moment as you are reading this - glad to know that you get to share in my love for the Lord!.

So...that is just a teeny, tiny bit of "ME". 

Wednesday, April 1, 2015

WIP Wednesday

Well - nothing really new to report.  Still working away at my Mystery CAL

I'm on still on clue 4 and 5 (working them both together).  Clue 7 came out yesterday and it is a border but I have to join the squares (clue 6) first.  Seems like other folks are working up Clue 7 pretty quick.  Perhaps I can catch up soon.  I don't like being behind but sometimes it just happens.

I have found my next project after the baby afghan that I am also working on.  It will be a cross stitch project.  I haven't done cross stitch in a few years.  I had a completed project done that looked like this (without the frame).

It took me a long time to make it and all I needed to get framed but it is now gone :(  (Long story) after I finish this afghan and the baby afghan.  I think this will be my next project

This cross stitch pattern looks so much like my dearly beloved departed dog, Thatcher
I've seen counted cross stitch patterns of Yorkies before but they are a bit frou-frou, with pointed ears, long brushed silky hair with a bow on top of their head.  That was NOT my Thatcher, he was as floppy ear, wild, wonky playful bundle - nothing frou-frou about him.  This pattern looks so much like him.  It looks a bit challenging but perhaps that is what I need - something challenging to occupy the mind.

It will be a good while before I get around to it because I am going to finish these afghans first. However, the idea of starting on this project makes me really excited to finish the afghans - but I have at least another month of clues from the Mystery CAL.

Saturday, January 11, 2014

Liebster Award

Thank you to Jen at It's My Life for her Liebster Award nomination. Wow! Totally an unexpected surprise.  How exiting!! This award is for bloggers who have less than 200 followers.

This is how it works:

You start by being nominated by a fellow blogger who likes what you have been posting (so sweet)

Then you tell 11 random facts about yourself and answer 11 questions.

You then get to nominate 11 fellow bloggers and give them 11 questions to answer.

Here are 11 Random Facts about me

1. I wanted to be a vet when I grew up, until my brother reminded me that sometimes animals get hit by cars.  I couldn't handle that.

2. I don't like shoes - I would go barefoot all the time if I could.

3. I was an extra in the movie "The Slugger's Wife" but good luck finding me.  I was part of the Stadium crowd.

4. The first man I ever kissed was Duke's of Hazzard star, John Schneider.  He was 19, I was 16.

5. My favorite town that I've visited is San Francisco.

6. My favorite classic Disney character is Goofy.

7. I cannot whistle due to a short lingual frenulum.

8. I've seen the Rocky Horror Picture Show over 200 times.

9. Both of my ears are pierce three times.

10.  I have taken and kept a photo every day of my life for the past 5 years (and am starting on the 6th year).

11.  My favorite dessert is Crème Brûlée.

Here are the answers to the 11 Questions Jen left for me:

1. Why do you blog? I started because when I joined the knitting community of Ravelry, everyone seemed to have a blog and it was a way for people to share, so I started one too but now it is just more for a creative outlet and a way to share some recipes and crafty projects and such.

2. What is your highlight(s) of 2013?  There were many good things in 2013 but I think my highlight was getting to finally meet my great niece in person. She was born in New Zealand in November 2012 and I finally got to see her and hold her in December 2013.

3. What hobbies do you have? How much time do you have?  Let's see....I like to crochet, knit, cross-stitch, scrapbook, take photos, travel....I'm sure there are more I didn't mention.

4. What is your favorite dessert? Haha - I put that under my random things before I saw this question - it is Crème Brûlée

5. If you could go anywhere in the world, where would it be? England

6. Did you have any pets growing up? Yes, cat named Fuzzy, cat named Sox, dog named Bandit, dog named Minnie (had others after that but those are the ones we had when I was growing up)

7. What is your favorite thing about yourself? That I'm loyal.

8. Do you like sports? If so, who do you cheer for? I like sports but not a fanatic about any.  I root for the home teams - Atlanta Falcons, Atlanta Braves but I also root for the Miami Dolphins and Alabama Crimson Tide.

9. What is your favorite season of the year? Why? Autumn, I love the cooler temperatures, all the colors of the trees, all the Fall Festivals and the smells of the season (pumpkin, cinnamon, etc)
10. Do you have a piece of jewelry you wear everyday? No, I don't wear much jewelry at all.

11. Name 3 things on your life bucket list. To go to England, To see the Statue of Liberty, To see the Alamo.

Those were some great questions!  Now here are my nominees:
Rollerscraper at Roller Scrapper
Chenelle at The Tall Girl Cooks
Stephanie at StefStyle
Sukigirl at Sukigirl
Beadknitter at Beadknitter Gallery
Aimee Marie at The Maine Page Turner
Minna at Where I'm Me  
My questions for you are:
1. Where is your favorite vacation spot?
2. If you could go back in time, what year or even would you pick?
3. Have you ever ridden on a motorcycle?
4. Do you have any tattoos? If so what are they?
5. What is your favorite pizza topping?
6. Where did you go on your very first date?
7. What is your favorite day of the week? Why?
8. What skill do you wish you had?
9. What is your most inspirational quote?
10. Do you wear perfume daily?
11. Do you prefer the beach or the mountains?  

Thanks again Jen for the Liebster Award ! 


Friday, August 30, 2013

Funny Friday - Fun with Statues

I have a photo of my sis and I having fun with a statue - the photo is at least 10 years old so I will have to search for it but in the meantime....I think these are pretty funny. 

Look for statues in your town - find a way to make it funny :)

Saturday, July 7, 2012

Yarn Love

 I love Lion Brand yarn - love them all !!  They have so many beautiful yarns and colors and their website is FANTASTIC - fully of patterns.  I have been a member of their website as long as I can remember.  Some of the patterns use to be free and some had a small cost (not too expensive - $0.99 - $1.99 - along those lines).  At that time, their free patterns were mostly the ones printed on the yarn bands but also available on their website.

Well many, many years ago, they made ALL of their patterns free.  I remember when I got the e-mail saying so - I went pattern crazy - printing out so many.  I was a happy girl. Heck, I still am a happy girl - they literally have thousands of free patterns and they are so well written.  Even the "experienced" skill level ones are easy to follow.

My favorite yarn of theirs is probably Vanna's Choice (named for the beautiful Vanna White), who is a fellow crocheter (she may knit too but seems like I heard she crocheted) - she has been their spokesperson for over 15 years.  I also love Pound of Love, Amazing, Jamie, and  Homespun.

I receive an email from them each week with new patterns and such.  But this week I about stopped dead in my tracks when I saw this.  How cute are these?  Itty, Bitty, Teeny, Weeny and insanely cute little skeins of yarn, called Bonbons.

They are so perfect for smaller projects, such as Amigurumi.  They come 8 to a pack in a variety of colors - just look at this cute little pack !  I can't wait to see them in person.  The Lion Brand website has them listed as $7.99 per pack - so about $1 a skein.  The yarn looks a bit like DMC (embroidery) floss.  One skein of DMC floss is 10 g and 1 skein of Lion Brand floss states 10 g (according to the website).

Considering that DMC is often on sale 5 for $1 and it comes in at least 87 different colors, it may be a better choice then Lion  Brand for these type of projects but the Lion Brand is just so darned cute !!   Plus I have not seen them in person so I don't know if they really are like DMC floss or not (they just appear to be from the photos and projects).   With this pack pictures above, I could so see myself make Georgia and Georgia Tech friendship bracelets !  The right colors are in there.

Anyway..... if you see these in the store anywhere, leave me a comment so I check them out - also, let me know what you think.

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Mermaids and Cross Stitch

It has been a while since I cross stitched. I really love it and it really has been a long time. I guess knitting kind of took over. I have too many hobbies, I really do. I have just about done it all, crochet, knitting, macrame, hooking rugs, needlepoint, scrapbooking, punch needle, embrodiary, crewell, string art (anyone remember those), drawing, painting and of cross stitch. (I'm sure they may be some I forgot to mention)

I have been wainting to get back to my cross stitch but just won't allow myself until I finish the projects I already have going on. . . namely, making a prayer shawl, finishing the right glove of a fingerless glove set, a scarf and an afghan (all gifts for others) and now I am working on the Warming Families project and have been making hats.

But when I do get back to cross stitch. The first thing I want to do is finish this cute Paula Vaughn pattern I have that is like 75% done. The next thing I want to do is make a couple of Mermaids to go in my bathroom. Lately I have really been drawn to mermaids for some reason and would love to re-do my bathroom and have a couple of them in there (I don't really have room themes but just a couple of things to bring the room together). I can't decide which ones I like - there are so many to choose from. Here are some I have my eye on. All Mirabilia patterns.

But of course, I will not - WILL NOT - allow myself to even order a pattern, knowing full well how much I already have going on. I have even vowed to stay out of craft stores until I have all my work-in-progress projects done ! I sure hope that Michael's, JoAnne's and Hobby Lobby doesn't go out of business without me to support them.