
Tuesday, March 5, 2019

Be Kind

I was sitting among a group of people the other day and was thinking about what a hard day it was for me, I was missing my dad so much and wishing I could just pick up the phone and talk to him, and yet I was putting on my happy face so no one would know how much I was hurting that day. 
It made start thinking about all the people around me.  I thought, everyone in this room is dealing with SOMETHING.

The person in front of me may be grieving
The person to my right may be worried they are going to lose their house
The person behind me may be depressed
The person to my left may be caring for a parent with Alzheimer’s

The person speaking may be wondering how they are going to afford to feed their kids
The person in the back of the room may be going through a divorce.
The person next to her may have a terminally ill child
The person in the corner may have been out of work for months

Now I know that not everyone’s life is all doom and gloom but even if you are living a mostly happy life, there are still some things that people are dealing with...grief, financial problems, health problems, relationship problems.

Although these issues may not be on the fore front all the time, everyone needs our kindness.
You don’t know what someone is going through at the moment you encounter them.  So, don’t say cruel things, if you can’t be nice, then just keep quiet. Don’t compound someone’s silent pain.

It is so easy to BE KIND…Smile at someone, say hello, pay them a compliment.  It won’t change what they are going through, but it might make them feel better in that moment.  

You may regret speaking harshly to someone, you may regret spreading rumors about someone, you may regret laughing at someone (especially if you find out their circumstances) but you will never regret being kind to someone, NEVER!


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